Rentheads, unite! Though it no longer plays on Broadway, if you're in the Miami area you should definitely treat yourself to the University of Miami's performance of Rent at the Jerry Herman Ring Theater.
A college production not sound promising? I understand your concerns, they were mine too, especially after learning they had decided to do it in the round. I was so afraid they would mess things up, even more so because the last touring company that did it at the Arsht Center really disappointed me, I feared that with amateur talent and possible changes/adaptations that I would once again be disappointed.
But oh contraire, my friends!
They maintained the original book so I could've easily hopped on stage and taken over any part, since as a true Renthead I know all the lyrics to all the songs...and lines (don't worry I didn't sing...too loudly).
Second, as far as talent goes, these kids can sing, and sing damn well! Of course it's not just singing though, they have to act and sometimes dance. There were a couple of them that really stood out for me.
In the movie and in NY those characters were always Mimi, Maureen, and Angel of course. But at UM, the one character that really stood out was Joanne, the lesbian lawyer, played by senior music theater student Kelsey Dardeau. Her vocal ability paired with her memorable facial expressions made this blonde stand out and steal the spotlight.
Mark and Roger, played by seniors Matt Mickenberg and Ken Clark, respectively, were the others that were very strong both vocally and acting. It was easy to forget you were watching college students with the degree of caliber that these boys showed on stage.
I think it's also noteworthy to mention Collins, played by junior Heath Saunders, whose performance of the sad version of "I'll Cover You" was so moving, it nearly brought me to tears.
The other main characters were fine actors, but nothing really stood out. Well...Angel (sophomore Joey Barreiro) did, but in a negative way.
He was a younger actor, and it was his debut (and tonight was opening night), but he was clumsy (played with his wig, seemed uneasy on his heels), seemed nervous, and just didn't have that spark I've come to expect of the character. At least he had a better voice than the one I saw at the Arsht.
And Mimi, senior Sarah Amengual, was ok, but she had a bit of an awkwardness to her, mostly her gait. However, she gets props for her Take Me Out performance, she sang and swung from a rope!!
Which brings me to the stage set up: theater in the round (no backstage, it's literally a round stage and actors enter from side entrances). Dare I say that this design works best for this show? I dare!
Especially if you're a major fan of the show, you'll definitely want to experience it in this way because you almost feel like you're on the stage with them (also thanks to the Ring's small, intimate size) and a part of the show. The creativity really stood out and I think really worked well.
Major props to the directors Bruce Miller and Christine Kellogg, the show was a huge success!
Yes, I am a UM alum; yes, I am a Renthead; but I was also a theater major so I can criticize a show objectively, and I assure you, you'll get your money's worth and much more at UMs Rent run.
Don't miss it, it ends May 1st!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I saw this production myself, although it was purposely not on opening night. I enjoyed it also and did not see the nervous awkwardness described in the previous blog. The reviewer claims to have been a theatre major so I can only comment by saying "who writes a review on opening night?" Any body with any knowledge of theatre would know that opening night is never a good representation of a show. Duh